Maryann L. Miller



Along the border all drawings have

been taken down not one left


to point a direction for our feet.

We might know the way if we had


wings to spread above the shining

twist of water.


The place of no location has flung

us away from Frida’s baby.


Don’t come here

lullabies are spiders in the bed.


They plan to rub us out

before we can make frantic art


in a jackal world.

Our scraping must matter


it reverberates like

a green poppy sending smoke.


MaryAnn L. Miller’s most recent book of poems is Cures for Hysteria (Finishing Line Press 2018.) She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her work has been published in Stillwater Review, Wordgathering, Kaleidoscope, International Review of African American Art, and others. Her birth name is Grippo and she thinks the names in her family are music: Annunziata, Mafalda, Egidio, Pasquale, Maria Grazia, Epiphaneta, Angelina, Dolorata, Columbina. You can contact her at Lucia Press.