Michael Carosone



In my entire gay-male life

I’ve had only 4 men inside me


2 were boyfriends

2 were rapists


Women deserve the #MeToo Movement

And yet some men can relate


But how do I tell this to my Italian-American family?

How do I tell this to the world?


Maybe this poem is my megaphone

Or maybe it’s my sanctuary, my peace, my survival


No more omerta

(“Your silence will not protect you.” –Audre Lorde)


*Dedicated to Louise DeSalvo for teaching me how to write to survive.



Michael Carosone is a writer, educator, activist, and native New Yorker from Kings Bay/Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. With his partner, Joseph LoGiudice, he wrote and edited the book, Our Naked Lives: Essays from Gay Italian-American Men (Bordighera Press, May 2013), which is a collection of 15 personal essays on the lives of Gay Italian-American men (his essay appears in the book). His poems and essays have been published in a variety of books and journals. His poems have appeared in Gay City Volume 1, Gay City Volume 2Gay City Volume 3Avanti Popolo: Italian-American Writers Sail Beyond ColumbusThe Gay and Lesbian ReviewOut of Sequence: Shakespeare’s Sonnets RemixedThe Good Men ProjectPositive LiteHIV Here and Now, and New Verse News. His essays have appeared in in White CraneStrangers to These Shores, and various anthologies. His articles have appeared in Gay City News and The Huffington Post. He was awarded the Editors’ Poetry Prize for his work in Gay City Volume 2. He writes on personal, political, and social topics and issues, including marginalized peoples and literatures, especially Italian-Americans and people of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer (GLBTQ) community.