From the Editor Vol. 1 Issue 1

Italian school child

In so many ways this inaugural issue of Ovunque Siamo has been years in the making—years before I even knew what it would or could be. While others have theorized Italian-American writing —even to the extent of wondering if such a thing even exists—I assert that not only does this specific body of work exist, it thrives.

This issue contains a beautiful mix of Italian- American voices writing their preoccupations in poetry, essay, short fiction and creative non-fiction pieces. Some are focused on particular aspects of Italian-American life, troubling the relationship with our heritage, a particularly strong one that unites us in many ways, the thread of which runs through our psyches and our daily lives’ in ways that even we, ourselves, find difficult to understand, an yet, there it is.

There is an old trope that urges one to “Write the book you want to read.” And so, I began the particular kind of journal I always wanted to submit to: a bit accented, possessing a commonality , but with flair of difference, and open and accepting of the various voices and experiences of Italian-Americans. Ovunque Siamo (Everywhere We Are) will be a place to read ourselves, no matter our topic, our genre or where we write from, literally and figuratively.

It is my hope that the presence of this journal among so many other literary journals that exist, will be a generative force among Italian-American writers, spurring the articulation of who we are, and representing  our many faces and voices.

Please enjoy this first issue, which I am quite proud of! Pass it on, talk about it! Submit!

Michelle Messina Reale

Founding Editor-in-Chief